ProPLUS+ Bio Body (13-Day)
Fast track your weight loss. Our Bio Body Weight Loss HCG Diet New Zealand's 13-Day program enables clients to work with our unique formulations to achieve quick, safe and long term weight loss. Includes Protocol Plus+ Bio-Body HCG 15ml; Boost 15ml; Reinforce 15ml. Our Bio Body Weight Loss HCG Diet New Zealand Protocol Plus+ HCG formulation is our Protocol formulation, plus Quantum rates; plus additional homeopathic support to increase metabolism and support balanced thryoid function.
★★★★Appetite ControlI purchased the 13 day option and have been using it for a couple of weeks. Although I haven't been following the programme strictly by the book I have lost 4 kg so far and feel a lot better. I hope to lose another 2 kg and will then by satisfied. I feel I am on track with my eating habits again.
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